New Coverage Issues

There’s a tremendous gap in understanding between the general public and the insurance industry on liability, intentional and criminal acts, and insurability.

If a contractor client converts a few employees to independent contractors, you could get in trouble for proceeding with the workers’ comp policy. 

Are soaring construction costs wreaking havoc on replacement cost estimators? We looked into market conditions and property values.

It depends on the state where the practice occurs and the type of financial institution and/or loan.

Issuing Insurance ID Cards

Should an insurance ID card be issued for a 6-month or 12-month period?

It is highly unlikely that your unit owner would not have to insure any amount of Coverage A.

650 Wilson Lane, Suite 200
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
191 Main Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Toll Free: 800-998-9644
Fax: 717-795-8347
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